You left me

I think that this is an almost beautifully painful heartbreak and it’s like someone ripped the words out of my mouth and breathed it new life.

this is so ethereally written. #Iamshook.

Tahli. ❤

Still falling

During the day, I kept my nose down and dug in hard for my studies, but at night, right before I’d slip from the edge and fall into sleep, I’d allow myself to wonder and marvel in thoughts of vorfreude. And when I began to overwhelm, it was you, you who came wandering around in my head. I chose to induratize myself, but looking at you it was as if all my nonexistent wishes came true. You made me happy, you made me feel good about myself. Then why did you have to leave? I turned on the lights, the television, and the radio and still I can’t escape the ghost of you. They say bad things happen for a reason, but no wise words are going to stop the bleeding. You had me at a point where I would have left the entire world behind just for you. You…

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